Our math lesson today was a review of matching quantities and numerals, as well as some more addition practice. I don't usually give the kids a whole page of problems to do, but we have been working on addition for a while and some wanted to see how far they could get! So, we get to work, and three different but equally amazing things happen. First, the kids were SO excited to "show off" a little on their math work that the classroom was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop! If you know my class, we are a chatty bunch. This dedication and focus was really cool! Second, a little person comes to show me this amazing work and is so excited to tell me he made sure to circle and draw lines to the problems that match so I knew that! It was adorable.
Third, the super heart melting moment. A kiddo I've really been building a relationship with in order to help with behavior was at the absolute TOP of his game today. We connected all day about how awesome he was. During math, I offered that if students wanted to work alone, they could do so, but if they needed help they could go grab a clipboard and come sit by me at the circle. I had a few takers that I was guiding. This particular kiddo is sitting at his table spot but keeps looking over to see what I'm doing. He shyly comes by and asks if I could help him. No problem, I ask him to grab a clipboard and have a seat. He plops down RIGHT next to me, cozies in, and begins working on 2+3. He asks for help. Now this is a kiddo who likely could do 325+491 completely in his head. However, in this moment, he needed me more than he needed math. Math was just the avenue that brought us together today and that was all that mattered in that moment.
So many great things happen in a day in the classroom. Sometimes negative situations take over and it's too hard to remember all the positive things we do in a day, together, as a team. So today, we were awesome. :)